Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween Cookies

Last night for Family Home Evening I thought that we might try our hand at some cookie decoration. I found the idea here, but instead of making the cookies I cheated and used store bought ones instead. The kids didn't care though and they had lots of fun.

We used Milk Arrowroot Biscuits, chocolate chips and white chocolate for melting. To make the ghost ones I put the melted chocolate in a small deep bowl so that they could just dunk the biscuits in, let it drip off a bit and they lay it on the baking paper. They then used the chocolate chips to make faces, or as Haylie did just put they wherever you want. It was easy enough to do though that Haylie did it all by herself.

For the mummy biscuits I melted the chocolate and then put it into a ziploc bag and sniped a small bit off the corner. We stuck the chocolate chips down first with a bit of melted chocolate and then the kids just made lines across the biscuits.

It was lots of fun and was quick and easy enough for the kids to do by themselves so I was driven nuts trying to help everyone at the same time! Now to try of a way I can use the same type of idea for Christmas!

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