Monday, October 31, 2011

A Challenge

I love this time of year. Today is Halloween. We had our annual Halloween party last week and it was fantastic, as usual! Tomorrow is the first day of November. I know everyone says this but I can't believe how fast this year is flying by. Soon it will be Christmas and we will be enjoying our long Summer break.

This year I wanted to try something a little different. I've seen it done around the place at different times and in different ways. But I'm going to have a Thankful November. Every day I'll do a post with just one thing that I'm Thankful for. Some might be long and some will be short but I think it will be fun and challenging to come up with things that I'm thankful for over the next thirty days!

If you want to join me I would love to hear the things that you are Thankful for in the comments!

"Live in Thanksgiving daily" Alma 34:38

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Lachlan's New Room

A couple of weeks ago we decided that it was time for Lachlan to get his own room. Now we only live in a three bedroom house so this meant that all three girls were going to have to sleep in the same room together. . . . . all the time . . . . three girls . . . . in one room . . . . . . a very small room . . . . . sleeping together . . . . or more likely not sleeping!

We worked out a system though were we stagger their bedtimes in the the hopes that the youngest would be asleep before the next one would go to bed. So far it's working ok!

Anyway back to Lachlan's room. We took his high bed into the girls room so he was left with Haylie's old bed, which he was very happy with. It took me a whole day, with some help after school from Lachlan, to sort out new places for all of his stuff.

I don't know what happened to the bottom of this photo?!

Teddy and Grandma dog in prime position on the bed.

He is loving having his own room and his own space. The girls aren't allowed to go in there unless he says that they can and it's up to him to keep it clean.

He now gets to go to bed at 8pm and read until 8:30pm, which, again, he loves!

I sure do love this kid!!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Sports Day

Today was sports day at the kids school. Last year they didn't get to do sports day because it rained, so they moved the day and it rained again, so they moved it and it rained again and then school finished for the year. Because of this the kids were extra excited for sports day this year. The weather was forecast for showers, but not until later in the day. As it turned out the day was great and it didn't rain until about 2:30pm when they were all finished! It was Caitlyn's first time participating in sports day and she was very excited. The kids were all in the same team named Coombes (Green).

To start the day the kids all got in their teams and did their team chants. They were very creative and got everyone excited. They then went with their teachers around to all the different events.  Because I had three kids there I moved around the whole day trying to get pictures of all of them doing all different things. Unfortunately I didn't get to see them do all the events. It was lots of fun though and Haylie was a great little cheerleader!

Here they are doing the Long Jump! I love all of their faces. Such concentration!

Here is Caitlyn doing some kicking

To kick the ball you have to stick out your tongue! It just works!

Amie did a great job in here race. She looks like she is having a great time. It's funny because in all of the pictures the girl in the right of the photo is looking towards the other girls and not where she is going!

Next Caitlyn's class head to the obstacle course. It was so funny watch the little five year olds trying to remember and then do all the tasks along the obstacle course. Their attention span isn't very long so while they were waiting for their turn they would get very distracted!

Lachlan having a turn a kicking the ball!

Amie doing the hurdles!

Caitlyn doing the sprint. . . . . . . slowly!

Lachlan sprinting. He tried really hard, but I don't think we are great runners in our family!

But he had fun!

It was a great day and I'm so proud of my kids for putting in 100% and giving everything a go.

I had to leave before it finished but the kids told me after school that their team didn't win but the got the award for the most sportsmanship behaviour!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

School Holiday Fun

So as I sit here and type this the kids are all tucked up in bed, sleeping, ready to start school again tomorrow. We have had a fun two weeks, but I'm happy to be getting back to our normal routine again.

Over the last two weeks we have been quad biking, celebrated Lachlan's Birthday, played with cousins, had sleep overs, played at the park, had picnics, gone swimming, seen Yo Gabba-Gabba, celebrated Tilly's 1st birthday, gone to a play cafe, played with more cousins and had more sleepovers, gone to the big rocking horse, been to the chocolate factory and gone to the museum.

Wow! When you write it all down like that it seems like we have been super busy, but there has been plenty of time spent at home watching movies, playing and jumping on the trampoline!

Here are a few pictures of our visit to the big rocking horse and the museum.

I wasn't going to let them climb it but they all wanted to and I couldn't let the older ones go up by themselves so we all went up. The stairs are the easy part. Then it comes to the ladders. I stayed right with Haylie but she wasn't scared at all and she was a very confident climber.

It was pretty windy up there! I thought that they might chicken out and not go to the head but again they all wanted to do it, so we did!

It was a bit scarier climbing down, but they all did a great job and we made it, very slowly!

We also went to visit the museum. The kids love looking at the 'dead animals', we also looked around at the parts of the museum, last time we went some of the levels were closed so it was good to be able to see a bit more this time. 

Lachlan is very into rocks so he loved the gem and mineral section. Haylie really loved this purple rock and wanted me to buy it for her. She was very upset when I explained to her that we couldn't buy it and that it had to stay in the museum for other people to see.

She finally decided though that ice cream was more important than rocks and we were able to move on without a full tantrum!

All in all we have had lots of fun over the school holidays. I can't believe that it is only one more term of school before the big christmas holidays.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Quad Biking

When we asked Lachlan what he wanted to do for his birthday he didn't hesitate in saying, "Go Quad Biking!" He loves going quad biking and he has only ridden his new quad bike once.

Everyone else in the family had things happen so they couldn't make it but we still went with Mum and Dad. We left bright and early on Monday morning for the two hour drive to Port Victoria. It was a beautiful sunny day, with clear skies and just a slight breeze. This time we decided to set up our spot on the beach. This way the girls could run around and play in the sand and in the afternoon they could play in the water.

It was a fantastic day. Lachlan had a great time riding his quad bike. His thumb was very sore by the end of the day.

Buzz having some fun!

Caitlyn modelling (waiting for Poppy)

Lachlan on his new quad bike

Buzz playing in the seaweed

Lachlan ready to go again

Buzz showing off for the camera!

Lachlan heading off with Poppy down the beach

Caitlyn building a sand castle

Haylie making a sand angel (like a snow angel) It was very funny though because she couldn't get her legs and arms going at the same time.

Grandma taking Haylie for a ride. By this point my hand was sore and so was my butt from riding so much, but Haylie still wanted to go for more rides so Grandma took her!

Amie was there too but she was never around when I had the camera out so I didn't really get any pictures of her. She was there though and had a great day. She spent a lot of time in the water.

It was a great day. We left in the dark and didn't get home until after dark. We can't wait to go again!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Happy 9th Birthday Lachlan!

I know that everyone says it, but I really can't believe how fast the last nine years have gone! I love all my children, but Lachlan will forever hold a place in my heart because he is my firstborn.

Happy Birthday Buddy! I hope that you have a fantastic day!

On the way to the hospital. I had to be induced because he was 10 days late.

First Cheeky Smiles!

Outside playing the in the fall leaves (12 months old)

Eating leftover birthday cake from his 2nd birthday.

Taking pictures of Daddy taking pictures (3 years old)

With his friend and cousin Samuel (4 years old)

At his 5th Birthday party at Thornden Park

Making cards for Grandma Montague (6 years old)

Riding at the BMX track (7 years old)

Having fun on his quad bike (8 years old)

Lachlan's Baptism last year

My handsome boy! I love you!