Monday, October 31, 2011

A Challenge

I love this time of year. Today is Halloween. We had our annual Halloween party last week and it was fantastic, as usual! Tomorrow is the first day of November. I know everyone says this but I can't believe how fast this year is flying by. Soon it will be Christmas and we will be enjoying our long Summer break.

This year I wanted to try something a little different. I've seen it done around the place at different times and in different ways. But I'm going to have a Thankful November. Every day I'll do a post with just one thing that I'm Thankful for. Some might be long and some will be short but I think it will be fun and challenging to come up with things that I'm thankful for over the next thirty days!

If you want to join me I would love to hear the things that you are Thankful for in the comments!

"Live in Thanksgiving daily" Alma 34:38

1 comment:

Lotti said...

Great Scripture Janiia ...... Great idea for daily blogging. I am thankful for the blessing of being a mother, even when it's hard, I'm thankful for having had 5 healthy children and experiencing motherhood.