Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thankful November - Day 21 & Day 22

Yesterday I was Thankful for . . . . . wonderful friends coming to share in our Family Home Evening.

My children love having family home evening. I get asked almost every night if we are having it. Last week we decided that it would be nice to invite some other families to share family home evening with. We sang songs, had a lesson about Gratitude (it's Thanksgiving this week in America), played the chocolate game and shared a treat. It was a fun and uplifting evening that won't be forgotten any time soon.

Today I'm Thankful for . . . . . having more motivation.

Lately I've been feeling very un-motivated. Everything is too hard. Why bother cleaning up when it's just going to get messy again. Why cook dinner when the kids won't eat it any way. Why try so hard when I'm not getting any where. Today hasn't been a perfect day but I did finally put away the mountain of laundry piled in my bedroom, and my house is looking pretty clean and I'm pretty sure the kids will eat what we are having for dinner tonight. It may seem like small things but in my life, right now, they are big.

What are you Thankful for today?

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