Sunday, June 26, 2011


My Dad is the most patient person that I know. I can only remember a few times in my whole life when I have seen my Dad lose his cool. Growing up with one brother and four sisters our house was sometime chaotic and usually very noisy. Through all of this my Dad would always be the calm one. That's just who he is. I think that's why my parents get along so well. My mum is the worrier and my Dad is the calm one.

My mum has always said that I'm very much like my Dad in this way. That I am patient and that it takes a lot to get me upset. I don't always think this is true. Just ask Buzz. He knows how I can go on and on about something that is on my mind and that I can stress about simple things. But that is usually behind closed doors where no one else can see.

This week I haven't been very good at being patient. I have been easily frustrated and quick to be annoyed. Lots of things have been happening over the last few months and I guess they all just built up until they burst. I'm not proud of how I handled these situations, if fact I wish that I could go back a try again. But they did happen and now I have to try and fix them.

We all have trials in our lives. Life is complicated and life is hard. But life is also fun and filled with happiness. I guess this week I need to take a harder look at the many things that I have been blessed with. Maybe then all the frustration and stress will disappear and I will be able to look clearly at a solution for my troubles.

In Ether 12:27 it reads, "And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness, I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things became strong unto them."

This scripture reminds me that, 'Yes I do have weaknesses, but if I recognise them and be humble and have faith in Christ, then my weaknesses can be made strong.'

This week I really need this reminder. Hopefully as I apply these things my frustration and stress will disappear and I will be calm and patient, just like my Dad.

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