Saturday, June 4, 2011


Every time I plug my phone into my computer up pops iPhoto so that I can upload the pictures. Up until this week I have never done it. I found out that I had about 400 pictures on my phone! Most of them were ones that Haylie had taken so I deleted them but I did find some real gems.

How cute is this. I can hardly remember her being this small anymore. And she had no hair. Love that little bald head.

Another of my cute baby. We were always out and about taking kids to school, kindy, doing shopping, visiting friends and running errands so she did a lot of her naps in the car.

Here is Lachlan doing one of his jumps at the local park. He was so good at it. He would ask me every day if we could go to the park so he could do this. I remember one time though, when he first started to do it and he was on his old bike. It had been raining and there was a large puddle along the gravel path. He was riding along and decided to go right through the puddle! He only got a little way through when his wheels got stuck in the mud and he went flying off his bike landing in the mud. He wasn't really hurt but he was very upset by it and so we had to leave straight away. He wouldn't ride his bike the whole way home.

 Haylie fell over the back of the couch one night, hitting her head on the the floor. I couldn't believe how quickly the bruise and lump came up. By the time I got over to her and picked her up it was already there!

This one was taken in the school holidays. We had just gone bowling and in the shopping centre they had free face painting. Haylie was terrified of Lachlan and would not go near him until it was all washed off later that day!

We are always on the look out for new parks to go to so one Saturday we just drove around looking for some. We stumbled across a few but this one was the favourite of the day.

 During another lot of school holidays we went to Carrick hill to see a fairy play. Afterwards we had a picnic lunch and explored the storybook village in the gardens.
All she wanted for Christmas was her two front teeth!

Lachlan got this fat lip earlier in the day when he was riding his scooter at the park. He was doing a jump and caught the front of his scooter and fell flat on his face. He was lucky to be wearing his helmet or it would have been much worse!

 Our back garden started to flood a bit after days of rain.

At the beginning of the year we took Lachlan to see the Monster Trucks. He loved it!

This is my sleepy baby after her surgery a couple of weeks ago.

1 comment:

jillp said...

love those photos of Haylie with no hair ! Soooooo cute.