Sunday, January 9, 2011


Over the last month or so I have been thinking a lot about Gratitude and being Thankful. We all have trials in our life and wish that things were different. It helps to remember all of the things that my Heavenly Father has blessed me with. Just like the song says, "Count your many blessings, name them one by one. And it will surprise you what the Lord has done."

This year I hope you be able to keep a record of all the things that I am grateful for. It's kind of like a New Year's Resolution but it's more just something that I want to do for myself so that when life gets hard and can easily be reminded of the many things I have been blessed with.

To start with I am so grateful for my calling in Primary as the Primary music leader. I've been in the calling for about a year now and though it can be tiring and frustrating it can also be really fun and uplifting. This year the theme is 'I know the scriptures are true.' All the children have been challenged to read their scriptures everyday so far our family is not doing very good at this but I am hoping to get better and to be able to encourage my children to join the challenge.

The songs for the year are beautiful and I'm looking forward to teaching them to the children. I have learnt so much through this calling. I am much more confident in many things like singing, teaching and working with others. It really is a fun calling. I get to have lots of fun with the kids but I also get to teach them beautiful, spiritual songs that they will remember all their lives. It is one of the things that you remember from all your years in Primary.

I hope that this year I can teach with the spirit and help the children to start growing their testimonies and their joy of singing!

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