Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Family Holiday - Mount Gambier - Day 4

Well . . . . I got a little distracted and life got crazy but I really want to finish writing about our family holiday.

So day 4 started with Buzz running to get some yummy hot chocolates. We then headed back to the skate park for about an hour. The kids loved it. It had a great section for the kids and they just loved it.

We then headed a little bit out of town to try and find a couple of sinkholes that we had heard about. The first one was called Hell's hole sinkhole. We turned down this dirt road but didn't see any signs or anything pointing to it. We ended up missing it and heading to the next thing we had planned to see. We had some trouble finding the next sinkhole as well but after and couple of u-turns we finally found it. It is called the Caroline sinkhole. It was huge and very impressive.

After that it was back into the car to head to the Princess Margaret Rose caves. We headed back towards the main road still along this dirt road. It got pretty bad before we got to the main road again considering we weren't in a 4WD.

We stopped in this little town called Nelson for some lunch and a play at a small playground. After that we headed to the caves. We had heard that they are some of the prettiest caves around. We had to go down a bunch of stairs to get into the cave. It was very different to the one we had seen in Narracorte. This cave was very long a narrow. It had lots of these big columns in it. The tour guide didn't give us much time to take photos so Buzz just managed to snap a few while she was talking.

After the cave tour we looked around a bit before grabbing an ice cream and getting back into the car. This time we headed to Piccaninne Ponds.  It's basically a big sinkhole that is below the water table so it is full of water. You can't really see much as it just looks like some wetlands but we went out onto this pontoon and the water was so clear that you could see a fair way under the water. It was amazing! We then went to where the ponds run into the ocean. We could believe how much and how fast the water was flowing. It had craved a small cliff into the sand. We spent some time walking along the top and pushing the sand into the water.

After hanging out on the beach for a little while we drove back to Mount Gambier. We let the kids mess around on the jumping pillow again while we waited for it to get dark. The kids were very excited to go back and feed the possum's. This time we were taking some friends with us. I took the good camera with us this time so that I could hopefully get some pictures. It was still really dark down there but there were a few possum's hanging around near this light so I get a few.

There seemed to be more possum's around the second night or at least more that were closer to the ground. 

Haylie loved to feed them.

It didn't take long for us to run out of grapes and we were starting to get hungry ourselves so we headed off to get some dinner before heading back to the cabin for the night.

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