Saturday, July 16, 2011

School Holiday Fun

So far these school holidays we have had playdates with friends, had sleep overs, gone swimming (at an inside, heated pool), gone shopping, visited Grandma, had birthday parties, watched movies, played games, played at the park and gone for a hike.

Next week Buzz and Lachlan leave on their holiday to America. They will be gone for 3 1/2 weeks and are very excited about it. We are going to miss them and we are all a bit jealous of them, maybe next time we can all afford to go. I'm sure the time will pass quickly and they will be back before we know it.

Also next week, I get to go on a girls weekend to Sydney to go to Time out for Women and, of course, to do some much needed clothes shopping. It is going to be lots of fun and I'm sure, very uplifting!

I hope that your holidays are as much fun as ours have been so far!

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