A little while ago I realised that since I had Haylie, nearly 18 months ago, we hadn't had any family pictures taken. My Dad is a photographer and has his own studio so over we went to get some family photos done.
Here is my, nearly 7 year old, very handsome boy. At the moment he is very into the spikey hair. I can't believe how the time has gone. He is so very smart and is very passionate about whatever he is into at that moment. Right now it is all about BMX riding. He sets up jumps in the back garden and makes trails. He loves it! He is also a fantastic reader and loves to read all by himself. Just like his Mum!

Beautiful Amie! I think that this photo made the whole photo shoot worth it. She is such a poser and it is hard to get rid of the fake smile, but when you do it is like magic. I love and have always loved her eyes. Crystal clear yet so revealing. Amie is my dramatic one. Everything is a drama in her life, but she is so very loving. She is always willing to help and loves her brother and sisters. She is also very creative and loves to draw and colour in.

Next is my gorgeous Caitlyn. Ahe always makes me smile. She is so cheeky and funny. You can see the sparkle in her eye. She is always going 110% and has been since she was born. She is also very inderpendant. She knows what she wants and will go out and get it. This can cause problems at times but I know that this is a character trait that she will need as she gets older and goes out into the world.

Last, but definately not the least, is my baby, Haylie. Though she is getting bigger everyday she will always be my baby. She is my cuddler. She loves to love me. She loves to give kisses and hugs and loves to snuggle in your lap. Nearly every morning she comes into bed with us and cuddles, hopefully going back to sleep for a little while. I love watching her sleep! She doesn't talk yet, but I know that she will in time and when she does there will be no stopping her. She lets us know what she wants though!

Just for fun we took this picture. I love it!! It matchs them perfectly as well. Caitlyn never stops talking, Lachlan can never seem to find things and Amie has to be told things a few times before she hears you!

Thanks Dad for taking such beautiful pictures of my children.
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