This child is very stubborn. She digs her heels in and won't do whatever it is you want her to do.
This child is very independent. She wants to do everything herself without any help, even if she is clearly having trouble with the task.
This child knows what she wants. And she will do it even if you have told her that she is not allowed.
This child is sneaky. When she knows she is doing something she shouldn't be she will hide somewhere and do it anyway.
This child throws big and loud tantrums. Usually over seemingly small things.
This child doesn't like to go to bed. Lately it's been taking 1 hour of screaming before she will finally give in a go to sleep.
Yesterday while I was having a shower and getting dressed this child ate a whole jar of nutella. She didn't use a spoon, just her hands. She then wiped those nutella covered hands all over the shelves of the pantry, where she hid and ate said nutella. She then proceeded to wipe her nutella covered hands all over her clothes, including one of her favourite skirts.
I came out of my room to be told that this child was covered in chocolate. So what did I do. I told her to go to the bathroom and wait. I then got the camera out so that I would have some proof of what this child does when no one is looking.
And here is my proof.
The Jar.
The smears.
The skirt.
One day in the distant future she will become a mum and all this will come back to her.
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