So I've been a bit slack in the blogging department this week. It's been a busy week, even without my boys here.
Caitlyn started school this week! Yay! She was very excited and couldn't wait to go. She has loved going everyday and was a little disappointed that she didn't get to go today (it's Saturday). She was so excited to get a reader, just like the big kids, and she got a special desk with her name on it.
It has been very quiet at home without her. I think that Haylie is missing having someone around part of the time to play with. I'm going to have to come up with some new things to keep her happy.
I made playdough for the very first time this week. I know, I've been a mother for nearly 9 years and yet I've never made playdough. Scary, but I made some this week and the girls have been loving it, especially Haylie. She wants to play with it all the time!
Yesterday I got to go shopping with my Mum and found some fantastic clothes for some amazing bargains. Right now I'm wearing a new pair of cargo pants and they are sooooooooo comfortable! I got dresses, pants, shirts, skirts, and scarves! By the end of the day I was pretty tired of changing my clothes but was very happy with all of the new things that I got. Now it's going to be hard to choose what to wear.
This week I have felt like doing some baking, maybe some muffins, maybe some cookies, but I can't decide so I haven't made anything.
I've tired to be a good friend this week and branch out a little bit, hopefully it will pay off.
I really miss having my boys at home. It was great to talk to them on Wednesday. I know that they are having a great time and I can't wait to hear all about it when they get home.
Nearly every time we drive into the driveway Haylie says, "Daddy's home'. I think she is finally getting the idea that just because Daddy's car is here doesn't mean that Daddy is home. I know that the girls are very excited to go to the airport in the couple of weeks to pick up their Daddy and brother!
Well, that's it for now. A very random post. Next week I'll try to do better!
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