Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Have you ever felt that there was so much that you wanted to or needed to change/improve in your life that you didn't know where to start.  Have you felt that there are just too many things on your list that it seems overwhelming.

That's kind of how I feel right now. This past weekend I was lucky enough to attend the Time Out for Women in Sydney. I was also lucky enough to attend a fireside tonight for the youth with Laurel Christenson and Brad Wilcox.

Both of these wonderful events have left me feeling incredibly inspired and just a little bit overwhelmed. I know I need to make changes in my life and in the life of my family and right now I'm feeling inspired to do so, but how to actually go about it.

While listening to one of the speakers I had this thought . . . . . .

First, I need to write a list of all the things that I want to change or improve. Personally I'm writing a list for me and a list for the family.

Second, I'll put them in order of priority. Starting with the most important thing first and so on.

Then I'm going to start with just the first thing on my list. Work out how I'm going to do it. Write a goal and a plan of action. Then I'm going to work on just that one thing for at least a week or two before moving on to the next thing on my list.

I'm hoping that by doing this I won't become completely overwhelmed and give up totally. I'll give myself time to adjust and make it into a habit before adding more things to work on.

I'm looking forward to making some changes and seeing the effects that it has on my life and the life of my family.

I don't know if any of this makes sense to anyone else but I just felt like I needed to put my plan out there. Maybe it will help me stick to it. Maybe it will inspire someone else to give it a go and change something in their life. I don't know, but I do know that I'm excited to get started!


Lotti said...

Love this Janiia, really nice. Believe me I totally understand where you are coming from and your blog makes perfect sense. You've inspired me to think of some of the things in my life I need to change ... Thank you for that.

Lotti said...

Love this Janiia, really nice. Believe me I totally understand where you are coming from and your blog makes perfect sense. You've inspired me to think of some of the things in my life I need to change ... Thank you for that.