As I walk or drive our neighbourhood I see this lady quite often. I first saw her while I was on a walk with Haylie. We had just gone up and down a big steep hill and were on our way home. As I walked past her I was amazed and in awe.
She was a mum and was pushing a stroller. It was just your regular kind of stroller, nothing fancy. In it she had one child, probably about 2 years old. Sitting on top of the stroller, near the handle, was another child, probably about 3 years old. As if that wasn't enough she was also carrying a backpack baby carrier in which she had another child, probably about 1ish.
I couldn't believe it. I walk regularly with Haylie in a stroller. It is a jogging stroller and so has good tyres, is lightweight and is made for walking. Haylie isn't a big child but it still gets pretty heavy and hard to push sometimes, especially up a hill.
That was exactly the direction she was going. She had to go up a hill, down a steep hill and then up the other side. I struggle just to get Haylie through that part and she was heading there with three children all attached to her somehow.
I have seem her a few more times around the neighbourhood and my mum, who lives not far away has also seen her a few times.
She obviously has a goal and nothing is going to stand in her way. Most people with three children under the age of three would give up on the whole loosing the baby weight until their children were a bit older. Maybe go for a walk when their partner is home, get someone to watch the kids while she exercised, or just plain not bothered.
I almost feeling like stopping and calling out encouraging words to her. She is definitely Dedicated and Determined.
I have totally slacked off in the exercise and eating healthy department. I reached my goal and past it a while ago and since then I have really lacked the motivation to stick with it. Don't get me wrong I definitely won't ever get close to what I weighed to start with but it is easy to get slack. I guess I need to set some new health goals so that I can get my motivation back.
I don't think that I would have every been as dedicated and determined as the lady with three children, pushing and carrying her children just to get some exercise!
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