Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Ten Things Tuesday

Ten Things I love about being a mother. . . . . . .

1. Snuggles and cuddles in bed early in the morning.

2. Reading bedtime stories and then having them read back to me.

3. Watching my children all getting along and helping each other.

4. Hearing chattering, laughter, squealing and playing throughout the house.

5. Finding cards, pictures and flowers on my pillow or next to my bed at night.

6. Watching my children's faces as they experience something new.

7. Seeing how excited they get when Daddy comes home.

8. Seeing my children finally accomplish something they have been working hard to do.

9. Watching my children play and interact with all of their Grandparents.

10. The fact that my children love me no matter what!

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