Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Octonauts: An Obsession

The Octonauts have taken over at my house. Haylie is obsessed and the rest of the kids love it too! We have about 50 episodes recorded on our TiVo and we watch a few daily.

If you've never heard of the Octonauts it is a cute tv show about a group of characters who help out sea creatures in trouble. There is Captain Barnacles, a Polar Bear, Kwazai, a pirate cat, Peso, the medic penguin and many more. Haylies favourite is Dashi. She is a dog who like to take pictures and video of their adventures. Haylie goes around the house taking photos just like Dashi.

For Haylie's 3rd Birthday we had to have an Octonauts birthday party. The only problem in that the show is very new so they don't have any toys or merchandise out at the moment. All they have is the books that started it all.

My sitter, Lisa, Painted the pictures for me. They turned out brilliant! Haylie loves them and looks at them all the time.

Everyone got to take home some bubbles!

The photos didn't turn out great, but Haylie loved the whole night and that's all that I needed!

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