Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Photo Shoot

A little while ago I realised that since I had Haylie, nearly 18 months ago, we hadn't had any family pictures taken. My Dad is a photographer and has his own studio so over we went to get some family photos done.

Here is my, nearly 7 year old, very handsome boy. At the moment he is very into the spikey hair. I can't believe how the time has gone. He is so very smart and is very passionate about whatever he is into at that moment. Right now it is all about BMX riding. He sets up jumps in the back garden and makes trails. He loves it! He is also a fantastic reader and loves to read all by himself. Just like his Mum!
Beautiful Amie! I think that this photo made the whole photo shoot worth it. She is such a poser and it is hard to get rid of the fake smile, but when you do it is like magic. I love and have always loved her eyes. Crystal clear yet so revealing. Amie is my dramatic one. Everything is a drama in her life, but she is so very loving. She is always willing to help and loves her brother and sisters. She is also very creative and loves to draw and colour in.
Next is my gorgeous Caitlyn. Ahe always makes me smile. She is so cheeky and funny. You can see the sparkle in her eye. She is always going 110% and has been since she was born. She is also very inderpendant. She knows what she wants and will go out and get it. This can cause problems at times but I know that this is a character trait that she will need as she gets older and goes out into the world.
Last, but definately not the least, is my baby, Haylie. Though she is getting bigger everyday she will always be my baby. She is my cuddler. She loves to love me. She loves to give kisses and hugs and loves to snuggle in your lap. Nearly every morning she comes into bed with us and cuddles, hopefully going back to sleep for a little while. I love watching her sleep! She doesn't talk yet, but I know that she will in time and when she does there will be no stopping her. She lets us know what she wants though!
Just for fun we took this picture. I love it!! It matchs them perfectly as well. Caitlyn never stops talking, Lachlan can never seem to find things and Amie has to be told things a few times before she hears you!

Thanks Dad for taking such beautiful pictures of my children.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Crafty Catch Up, Part 2

This post is all about sewing. I am loving being able to make clothes for my girls. I never thought that I would be into this so much, but I just love being able to create something completely original for my children. I also like to tell people that I made it.

The first one is a simple little shirred dress/top.  I admit that I cheated with this a bought the fabric with the shirring already done, but I just wanted to test it. I also bought some elastic thread so that I can try it myself.
I have seen these dresses all over the internet and have been dying to try one. I picked up the white shirt for $4 from Big W the other week.  The bottom part is from one of my old shirts. I love these colours together. Things to remember for next time, add a bit of extra fabric to the bottom part so that it gathers more and is a bit more flowy. (Is that a word?!?) I would also probably add a ribbon or something over the join.
Here is a close up of the flower I did. To do this I found an image I liked on my computer, printed it out and cut it out. I traced around it and ironed it onto the bottom of the dress. I then hand sewed around it to make sure that it stays on.
While Mum and I were on one of our daily walks we found an op shop that we didn't know was there and popped in for a quick look. Mum found this skirt and talked about turning it into a skirt for one of the girls. It was only $2 so I thought I'd try it. Here is the before picture.
And here is the after picture. I know that it doesn't look much like this but it turned out really cute.I measured the length that I wanted and then pinned and sewed around it three times to hold the pleats in. I then attached it to the singlet. It is meant to be worn with a shirt, cardigan or jumper over the top. When Amie wears it I will take a picture so you can see how cute it is. Not bad for $2 plus a singlet.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Crafty Catch Up. Part 1

Here is a catch up of some of the crafty things that I have been getting up to lately. Enjoy.

Last Sunday was Father's Day. It was also my Mum's birthday. I got these jars and filled them with all kinds of yummy chocolate covered things, put a few decorations on them and there you go simple, cute presents.
I love how the ribbon flower turned out on the top of Mum's jar. I made each pair of petals separately then just layered them on top of each other to make a flower.
I can't take credit for this one at all, but I still wanted to show it.  The dress is bought but my mum made the shrug for her.  I love all of the stuff that she knits.  I don't have the time or patience for knitting, but I love my mum to make stuff for my girls. Also I think buzz would have a heart attack if I started knitting as well!
Here is another vest knitted by my mum.  I absolutely love it! The colour is gorgeous! But Haylie didn't have anything to go with it so I whipped up the skirt on Saturday afternoon to go with it. I love these colours together. I just pulled out a skirt that fit her and that I love and used it to make my pattern. I am so happy with how it turned out. And it was so easy. Catilyn is standing next to her ready to get her picture taken as well.
I made this block for my friends new baby boy. I love the colours. It was also easy to make. I wanted to make more so they could stack on top of each other but I ran out of time.
This is also for my friends baby. It's a sign to hang on the door. I love how the owls turned out. Super easy but super cute.

More Crafty Catch up coming soon!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

30 Years Ago

Today is Buzz's 30th Birthday!! To celebrate these 30 years I'm going to list 30 of my favourite things/memories about him.

1. He loves me!
2. No matter how hard I try not to, he can always make me smile.
3. He is a people pleaser and will do anything for anyone.
4. I will never forget last Halloween when he was dressed as a beautiful fairy. Who knew he could look so good as a girl!!
5. Floating in our blowup boat in the middle of the lake looking up at the stars.
6. Going camping in the Utah mountains. Buzz was busy cooking dinner when a deer came right into our camp. It hung around for a long time! It was so cool to see one so close.
7. Nearly hitting a Moose on one of our many drives in the Jeep with the doors off and the roof off. The perfect thing to do on a hot summers day. It was always so much cooler in the mountains!
8. Seeing him cry when Lachlan was born.
9. His crazy personality.
10. Singing 'A whole new world' with me for On with the Show!
11. Watching him play with the kids on the trampoline. They love it when he bounces them really high. Plus when he is out there it gives me a bit of time to get some stuff done!
12. He makes the best breakfasts ever and is not happy with plain old cereal!
13. Sending me text messages just to let me know he's thinking about me.
14. His crazy 'fish-out-of-water' dance
15. The weird music he likes to listen to!
16. His crazy obsession with eating ice cream, even in winter. You should see the size of his bowl!
17. Seeing him take the time to show the kids something or teach them about something.
18. I love how he gets up in the middle of the night to see to the children. More sleep for me. They don't want me anyway!
19. Going on our first trip to Las Vegas for my birthday.  We had just found out that I was pregnant with Lachlan and the whole time we were away I felt sick. The next time we went back was with Mum and Dad when Lachlan was just 3 weeks old.
20. Driving across the the country with Buzz and my parents stopping at church history sites on our way to Nauvoo. We took our tents and sleeping bags and just found somewhere to sleep each night, either a campground or a cheap motel. So much fun!
21. Taking the kids to Disneyland. Buzz took Lachlan on rides that I never thought that Lachlan would like.
22. Going quad biking and trying to see the sunset together every time!
23. He is always quoting movies and then asking me which movie it's from. I can never guess because they are from really odd movies that I've never even heard of.
24. He always tells me I'm beautiful even if I don't feel it.
25. He gives me the best foot massages.
26. He had let me take up space in his office by letting me get a craft table, using the bookcase for all my supplies and now he is going to let me get a sewing table so I don't have to leave it out on the end of the dining room table anymore!
27. Leaving me messages written on the bathroom mirror!
28. Moving away from his family in America so that I can be near to mine!!
29. Singing to me, even if it is out of tune.
30. Spending the rest of eternity together. To Infinity and Beyond!!

Happy Birthday Buzz!!