Friday, July 20, 2012

Caitlyn turns six!

To my beautiful, sweet baby girl Caitlyn,

         I can't believe that you are six years old already! I love you so much! Here are six things that I especially love about you right now!

  1. You have a very infectious giggle. You make everyone around you smile and laugh with your giggles and laughter. Sometimes you find the smallest thing to crack up about. I love your sweet humour!

2. You love to help me by cleaning up, especially when I haven't even asked you to. You are the biggest helper in our family and set a good example for your brother and sisters.

3. You truly care about other peoples feelings and like to comfort people when they are sad or upset. You make friends easily and are loved by everyone you meet!

4. I love your ability to talk to everyone you encounter. Even when you were younger you would talk to everyone you saw. Sometimes i felt bad for the people you were questioning in the lift, or the ladies at the checkouts. Some people still don't know how to react to your very forthright comments and questions, but I love that you are aren't afraid to talk to anyone.

5.  I love your cuddles. You love to snuggle up on the couch and be close. You give the best hugs and not just to me, you share the love around to everyone, even to your brother who doesn't always appreciate them!

6.  I love your independence. You have always been a very independent child and have wanted to do everything by yourself.

Enjoy your special day and enjoy being six!

Love Mummy