So here it is. My first step into the world of blogging. I love looking at blogs and follow quite a few of them so I though that it was worth giving it a try myself. I don't really know how to start but lets just jump in a start with Monday!
Being a public holiday it was decided that we should go quad biking. Of course, it all depended on if Jessie had had her baby yet! The day started off nice and early at 6am. We finished packing the car and woke the kids up and set off. Mum and Dad were in their car, Buzz took Casey and Lachlan in his van and I had Jessie and the girls. Before we even got out onto Port Wakefield road the girls were getting bored and hungry! We stopped in Port Wakefield for some yummy breakfast from the Yummy Bakery before continuing our journey to Port Victoria.

As soon as Lachlan's quad bike was unloaded and ready to go he was off. He loves quad biking so much! Amie was also excited to get going but she isn't ready to be riding one by herself yet. Once Poppy was ready she was off with him. Caitlyn is usually happy to have one ride every time we go and then will just play happily but this time she just kept going and going. We would come back to our chairs and she wouldn't get off! She just wanted to keep going. Lachlan kept getting himself stuck but he hardly stopped all day.
(The picture was taken in our backgarden when he first got his quad bike)
I had a go at Buzz's quad bike, again, but I'm not very good at it. It has a clutch and I'm just not very good at it. I stalled it about 4 times before I actually got it going! (I know because everyone was counting!) I also had a go on Dad's, which I like better because it has no clutch!
Later in the afternoon Jessie was starting to get uncomfortable and having contractions so we thought that we had better head back to town. By the time we got to our house she was extremely uncomfortable and we thought for sure that she would have the baby that night, but we are still waiting. Things just keep stopping all the time. I'm sure though that it won't be long and she will be holding her tiny little baby!